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Meet your host

Jonathan Otto is a renowned investigative journalist, natural health researcher, documentary filmmaker, and humanitarian.

He’s also the founder of Well Of Life, a line of premium, doctor-formulated and 100% natural supplements specially designed to detox and fortify the body and help people achieve ultimate healing.

He has created several groundbreaking docuseries that include: 

  • Depression, Anxiety & Dementia Secrets 
  • Autoimmune Secrets 
  • Natural Medicine Secrets
  • Women’s Health Secrets 
  • BRAVE: Live Courageously, Heal Miraculously
  • BRAVE: Live Courageously, Heal Miraculously | Reloaded
  • Unbreakable: Destined to Thrive
  • Unbreakable: Destined to Thrive  I  RELOADED

With his latest docuseries being Absolute Healing. 

These docuseries — watched by millions around the world — represent Jonathan’s unceasing mission to discover the root causes of debilitating diseases and to share the most successful treatments that top experts are currently using to address these diseases. 

Jonathan’s greatest reward has been hearing the testimonials from people whose lives have literally been saved with the protocols he developed.

His latest mission has been to share the truth about conventional “solutions” that are harming MILLIONS worldwide. Jonathan continues to interview top doctors and health experts to discover the highly effective treatments they’re using to address the serious health conditions that the world is facing today.

My work has received worldwide recognition…


Airing on January 30 | 8PM EST / 5PM PST
  • Top molecular biologist reveals some shocking, censored discoveries from experimental gene therapy shots How can the spike protein change your DNA?
  • The three major risks of C-19 toxic shots for your brain and body discovered by Dr. Bryan Ardis.
  • Why new variants are emerging with full force. Plus, a renowned expert in preventing bioterrorism attacks explains the relationship between vaxx shedding of toxic venoms cases.
  • How the jab causes immune system damage, according to independent researchers. What can we do to prevent these painful autoimmune symptoms?
Airing on January 31 | 8PM EST / 5PM PST
  • Renowned medical researcher shares findings on how snake venom has been used in the research for a mRNA vaccine
  • A top doctor issues warnings on how the mRNA tech is altering the DNA in the vaxxed, leading to lower immunity and potentially life-threatening diseases
  • Why more and more children are now being diagnosed with autoimmune diseases like type 1 diabetes due to vaccines, according to a highly experienced pediatrician. Plus, encouraging vaxx-injury recovery protocols.
  • The dangerous trio: How COVID, RSV, and flu vaxx are being tested and how it may dangerously impact the population even further, according to concerning findings of Dr. Tau Braun.
Airing on February 1 | 8PM EST / 5PM PST
  • Top cardiologists reveal how spike protein led to an explosion of myocarditis cases… They’ve NEVER seen this number of patients.
  • How myocarditis risks are also surging in very young adults, according to Dr. Brian Hooker
  • Dr. Thomas E. Levy: “Pfizer’s own internal documents advise about the possibility of “environmental exposure” by “inhalation or skin contact” of the mRNA in the vaccine being transmitted from a vaccinated individual to another person.”
  • How you can heal from deadly spike protein exposure and fibrous blood clots, according to a top medical professional.
Airing on February 2 | 8PM EST / 5PM PST
  • The simplest treatment to prevent spike protein shedding symptoms, according to Dr. Syed Haider
  • Safe and effective natural protocols to detox the biotoxins from your body, according to top specialists
  • “It’s cardiotoxic. It’s able to create cancers, and so it’s oncogenic. We also know that it’s a neurotoxin.” Dr. Tau Braun exposes the truth about spike proteins.
  • “Spike glycoproteins are actually what venom peptides are identified to be. Plus, the healing protocols to reverse the damage from Dr. Bryan Ardis.
Airing on February 3 | 8PM EST / 5PM PST
  • Dr. Jack Wolfson shares natural solutions for repairing damage to mitochondria – “the fuel factories inside of a cell”, and healing your cells throughout the body.
  • Dr. Mark Sherwood reveals simple dietary changes to optimize your cell’s health.
  • Dr. Brian Hooker shares the healing protocol he uses for his autistic son to reverse developmental deficits and promote healing.
  • How the spike protein causes damage to the mitochondria, and how to heal this cellular damage according to Dr. Henry Ealy.
Airing on February 4 | 8PM EST / 5PM PST
  • A renowned naturopathic doctor explains why toxins are stored in fat when they are not properly eliminated, and how you can undo the damage.
  • Discover powerful natural detox agents which bind to hard-to-remove toxins and easily eliminate them from your body.
  • Dr. Edward Group reveals the specific protocol anyone can start at home to completely detoxify their bodies. And how doing this protocol in a specific sequence is so important.
  • Integrative medicine doctor explains what makes molds so toxic to our bodies and how common mold toxicity is. Plus the natural medicines to detox successfully.
Airing on February 5 | 8PM EST / 5PM PST
  • Why poor gut health relates to disease, lack of energy, and high levels of inflammation, according to a top doctor
  • Dr. Jack Wolfson discusses how injected chemicals can cause inflammation, which leads to cell damage and an unbalanced immune system.
  • Dr. Edward Group issues a warning about gut health and why not doing a regular gut cleanse can have a major impact on your health.
  • Do you have subclinical inflammation? A doctor shares insight into the symptoms, and how inflammation is related to the sudden surge in unexplained deaths.
Airing on February 6 | 8PM EST / 5PM PST
  • Experts warn about an uptick in cancer rates and other life-threatening diseases due to vaccine damage to DNA and cells.
  • Why dysregulation in the immune system caused by post-vaxx damage is leading to unchecked diseases that are spreading like wildfire, and how you can stop the damage
  • Discover highly effective treatments that natural and integrative medicine doctors are using to reverse life-altering diseases.
  • How to heal disease from the root cause instead of masking the symptoms with toxic drugs, according to Dr. Edward Group.
Airing on February 7 | 8PM EST / 5PM PST


  • The 4 major categories of vaxx diseases: cardiovascular, neurological, hematologic, and autoimmunity, according to a world-renowned doctor.
  • Dr. Krishna Doniparthi explains the connection between post-covid shots and neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
  • Highly effective therapies and protocols to help reverse anxiety and depression symptoms post-vaxx, according to Dr. Syed Haider

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